Planning, Design & Construction Jesse Hall Auditorium — Building Envelope Update (CP242812) ATTENTION: This project does not have a refundable deposit for plans and specs. The files below may be downloaded and printed if desired. All printing costs are the responsibility of the user. Pre-bid Meeting on 2/27/2025 10:00 AM in East Side of Jesse Hall . Due to the inclement weather a second prebid meeting site visit has been scheduled for February 27, 2025, at 10:00 a.m. All participants shall meet on the east side of Jesse Hall Auditorium. Submission Deadline (Bid Open) on 3/13/2025 1:30 PM in Planning, Design & Construction, Room L100 (Front Reception Desk), General Services Building, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri 65211. Click to download or view: Advertisement(pdf 93.68 KB) List of Plan Holders Pre-bid Meeting Attendance Record(pdf 873.13 KB) Recently Opened Bid Results(pdf 93.03 KB) Plans and Specifications CP242812 Jesse Hall Auditorium—Building Envelope Update— Project Manual— 2025 0207(pdf 6.14 MB) Addenda CP242812 Addendum 01(pdf 81.94 KB) CP242812 Addendum 02(pdf 97.76 KB) CP242812 Addendum 03(pdf 2.36 MB) CP242811 Addendum 04(pdf 76.92 KB) Sealed Copies CP242812 Jesse Hall Auditorium—Building Envelope Update— Drawings— SEALED 2025 0207(pdf 13.62 MB) To be notified of addenda, please complete the form below. YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE NOTIFICATION OF ADDENDA IF YOU DO NOT COMPLETE THE FORM. All notifications will be via email. NO FAXES WILL BE SENT. Plan Holder list form: E-mail: Name of Firm: Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: Fax: General Contractor: MBE: WBE: SDVE: You should receive an e-mail confirming the information you submitted. If not, please contact the Document Center at Minority Business Enterprise/Women Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE) goals have been established by the University of Missouri. A Diversity Participation goal of 10% MBE, 10% WBE, DBE and Veteran; 3% SDVE has been established for this contract. We record MBE/WBE contract information. UM maintains an e-mail contractor advertisement subscription list. To subscribe, click here. What is this? RSS ATOM